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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 opened recently, and while it has earned $100 million, I doubt that it will continue to gain the steam that Lionsgate, the film's Hollywood distributor had hoped for. The problem with this movie is that you knew in Part 1 that they had dragged it out to hit a certain  and by now, you may have forgotten what Part 1 was about. It opens with Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) being completely crazy but it’s good to see him stretching his acting range to play a bit unstable. He remains that way through most of the movie with some head banging and unnecessary killing.


Trying to reconnect with Katness (Jennifer Lawrence) is the super cute hottie Gale (Liam Hemsworth) who certainly could have used a shirt removal scene but it never happens. A team forms and they have to take semi-crazy Peeta to the capital with the goal of taking over but Katness wants to kill President Snow. Managing to get their hands on a holographic map, they take off toward it but there are booby traps everywhere.

Unfortunately the black guy is killed pretty early in the movie and very unnecessarily but Katness has to be placed in control somehow so there you have it. The team tries to make their way and dodge plenty of impossible situations with plenty of updates along the way.


The story line eludes to Katness having a deeper love for Peeta but secretly we all want her to stick with the uber cute Gale. Katness and Gale make it to the capital but a mass murder, staged to look like it was a set up by President Snow goes wrong. One thing that is consistent and that is the costume department did a fantastic job at keeping true to the unique designs. #EffieRocks


Coin hatches a plan to flip the script and make the rich sacrifice their children in a version of the Hunger Games, Katness, as always, has a change of heart about her feelings toward President Snow.  Here’s where I start to take a nap. I missed a few things, so I went back to see it again. It wasn’t much better the second time around. The movie lasted 45 minutes longer than it needed to but that’s what happens when you stretch two movies out that could have been one. Somethings were simply did not make sense and it didn’t hold up to the standard of story telling that it could have. Spoiler Alert: Prim dies, civilians kill President Snow, Katness kills Coin, a black woman becomes the President (hey that’s great) and Katness has two babies with Peeta. Yawnnnnn.


Popcorn Rating: 1 Popcorn and on your couch.


1 Popcorn: You can wait.

2 Popcorn: Pretty good.

3 Popcorn: Must see!


THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY PART 2                        by C. Mikki
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